This page lists errors and corrections to "A Practical Guide to Industrial Ecology Based on Input-Output Analysis" by Shinichiro Nakamura, Springer 2023.
List of Errors and Corrections (as of 20. December, 2024):
p. iv - The name "Tommy Wiedmann" is misspelled as "Wiedaman".
p. 91, Equation (3.99). The element of the south-west corner should be -0.16.
p. 114 - The second line of equation (4.49) should read
\( \boldsymbol{m^a = \hat{\mu}^a A^a \left((I-(I-\hat{\mu}^a)A^a)^{-1}(I-\hat{\mu}^a) + I \right) y^a }\)
p. 131 - Line 5. "capital" should be removed.
p. 146 - Line 1. The term "\(\rm{Cl_z}\)" is missing as the last component in the chemical formula.
p. 155 - Equation (5.15). The vatriable \(\boldsymbol{y_j}\) is not defined. It refers to the vector \(\boldsymbol{y_j}\) with all its elements except for the \(j\)-th one set equal to zero.
p. 156 - Equation (5.18). The vatriable \(x_j\) should read \(\boldsymbol{x_j}\).
p. 159 - Line 1 below "\(t\)" and "\(o\)" respectively refer to "target secrtors" and "non-target sectors."
p. 159 - The third equation of equation (5.36). Remove "( )".
p. 159 - Replace and augment the sentence at the bottom starting with "The emissions in the downstream phase", including Equation (5.37) with the following:
"The downstream impact is calculated in two steps.
First, the emissions caused by the production of non-target sectors in the downstream, \(\boldsymbol{E_o^d}\), are obtained as
\(\boldsymbol{E_o^d = F_o\odot x_o^d}\)
where \(\odot\) denotes the element-wise multiplication (Hadamard product), and
\(\boldsymbol{x_o^d}\) is given by Equation (5.30).
Secondly, a fraction of this amount is allocated to target materials, \(\boldsymbol{E_t^d}\), as follows:
The total environmental impact of target materials is then given by
\(\boldsymbol{E_t = E_t^u+E_t^d}\)"
This correction is based on the adjustments noted in reference [26] concerning the relevant part in reference [24].
p. 162 - Equation (5.38). The marrix \(\boldsymbol{A^m}\) is not defined. It refes to a matrix of import input coefficients.
p. 190 - Line 10 below 5.4.3 - Insert a "." between "characteristics" and "Fig. 5.3."
p. 221 - The first line after Equation (5.115). v is not the row vector of "value added ratios" but of "value added."
p. 222 - Section To avoid possible cofusion, I should have used \(\pi^{a(b)}\) instead of \(v^{a(b)}\) to refer to value added ratios.
p. 223 -Equation (5.118). The fourth line. "diag" is not necessary.
p. 225 - The last paragraph. In a recent paper by Provost-Savard et al. (2024) (, which was not available when this book was written, the authors argue that substitution modeling (SU) can be coherently applied in attributional LCA (ALCA) without violating additivity. This study, therefore, challenges the conclusions for ALCA presented in Table 5.14, which are based on Schrijvers et al. (2020) (, as well as the final sentence of the paragraph that references them. As the topic of allocation in ALCA/CLCA is an area of active, ongoing research, readers are recommended to consult more recent studies, such as Provost-Savard et al. (2024).
p. 283 - Reference [81]: Hienuki, S., Mitoma, H., Ogata, M., Uchida, I., amp Kagawa, S. (2021). Environmental and energy life cycle analyses of passenger vehicle systems using fossil fuel-derived hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46(73), 36569-36580.
p. 294 - Line 1 from (7.26). \(\boldsymbol{\hat{A}_{PP}}\) should read \(\boldsymbol{\bar{A}_{PP}}\).
p. 297 - Line 6 from (7.31). "n" should read "N".
p. 298 - Line 6 from above. Remove "the" in "we can then the matrix".