Shinichiro NAKAMURA:
Presentation at Conferences/Seminars
Application of Input-Output Analysis to LCA and MFA,
The EcoBalance International School. A pre-event of EcoBalance 2024, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Japan, 2024/11/03.
Waste, Input-Output Analysis, and Industrial Ecology, ISIE 2021 Awards Ceremony, 3 November 2021, video.
Roundtable/panel discussaant. Industrrial Ecology Programme 20th Anniversary Conference, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 2018/9/13-14, [Invited]
S. Nakamura: Waste Input-Output Analysis of Circular Economy, The 13th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology (ICWMT), 21-24 March 2018, Beijing, China, [Invited Plenary Presentation]
S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Nakajima, H. Ohno, S. Pauliuk: Tracking the fate of Cr and Ni in steel over life cycles of multiple
products: measuring circularity with quality of recycling, the 4th International Conference on Final Sinks, 24-26 October,2017, Kyoto, Japan, [Invited Keynote Presentation]
S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, and T Nagasaka:
Tracing the Fate of Industrial Materials Over Time and Across Space: a Contribution to Dynamic MFA Based on Input-Output Analysis,
ISWA Beacon, 3rd International Conference on Final Sinks, August 23-26, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan [Invited Keynote Presentation]
- S Nakamura, S Kagawa, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, and T Nagasaka:
Fate of automobile steel in open-loop recycling: analysis by MaTrace up to 100 years,
Society And Materials 8 thInternational Conference SAM 8
, 20-21 May 2014, Liege, Belgium
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, and T Nagasaka: IO-based MFA research at NIES, Tohoku, and Waseda,
Technology and Society Lab, EMPA 19. May, 2014, St Gallen, Switzerland
- S Nakamura, S Kagawa, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, and T Nagasaka:
MaTrace: Dynamic hybrid input-output model of MFA for tracing the fate
of metals across products, World Resource Forum 2013, 8. October, 2013,
Davos, Switzerland
- S Nakamura, S Kagawa, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, and T Nagasaka:
MaTrace: Tracing the destination of materials over time across final products:
a hybrid input-output approach with application to ferrous materials embedded
in motor vehicles, LCM2013
28. August, 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden
- S Nakamura, S Kagawa, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: MaTrace:
Tracing the dynamic transition of ferrous materials embedded in motor vehicles across products, 29. April, 2013,
Finnish Institute of Environment (SYKE), Helsinki, Finland.
- S Nakamura, S Kagawa, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, and T Nagasaka:
Tracing the dynamic transition of ferrous materials embedded in motor vehicles
over time and across products: a hybrid input-output approach,
Society and Materials 7th International Conference SAM-7,
April 25, 2013, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
- S Nakamura: Toward a closed loop society: The fate of metals over time
across products (Invited), REWAS2013
TMS 2013, March 3-7, 2013, Henry B. Gonzales Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas,
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: Hybrid
LCA toward sustainable management of metals: quality- and dilution losses
in recycling,
SETAC 18th LCA Case Study Symposium, The IDA’s (Danish Society of Engineers) Conference Center, November 26
to 28, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: Input-output
analysis of the quality and dilution losses associated with recycling of
ferrous materials embedded in passenger vehicles, MFA -
ConAccount Section Conference 2012, September 26 to 28, 2012 Darmstadt (Germany).
- S Nakamura: Reflections of the week and the role of industrial ecology in addressing global sustainability imperatives,
Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology,
June 17-22, 2012, Les Diablerets Conference Center, Les Diablerets, Switzerland .
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: Quantifying
the quality and dilution losses of recycling by means of hybrid input-output
analysis: application to ferrous materials recovered from end of life vehicles.
6th International Conference on Society and Materials, 30-31 May 2012,
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- S Nakamura: From economics to industrial ecology via waste, Invited lecture
for Contribution Award, The annual meeting of the Institute of Life
Cycle Assessment, Japan, 9. March 2012, Tokyo Science University.
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: Limits,
Losses, and Environmental Impacts of Recycling of Ferrous Materials Embedded
in End-of-Life Vehicles: Hybrid Analysis with Explicit Consideration of
Scrap Quality, Seminar organized by Faye Duchin and Peter Fox,
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, November 16, 2011, Troy, NY
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: Pitfalls
in Recycling of Ferrous Metals, Metal Resource Seminar,
CTCI Foundation,
October 31, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan
- Y Kondo and S Nakamura: Visualization of Inter-industry Material Flow and
Impurities in Iron and Steel Scrap along the Supply Chain of a Passenger
Car, World Resource Forum 2011, 21. September 2011, Davos, Switzerland
- S Nakamura, Y Kondo, K Matsubae, K Nakajima, T Tasaki and T Nagasaka: Hybrid
Life-Cycle MFA of Ferrous Materials Embedded in Passenger Cars under Explicit
Consideration of Grades of Secondary Materials, LCM2011, 29. August 2011,
Berlin, Germany
- S Nakamura, Kondo, Y, Matsubae, Y, Nakajima, K, Tetsuya, N., UPIOM: A new
tool of MFA and its Application to Primary and Secondary Metals Associated
with Construction and Car Manufacturing, ISIE 2011, 7-10 June 2011, Berkeley,
- S Nakamura, Kondo, Y, Matsubae, Y, Nakajima, K, Tetsuya, N.,
UPIOM: A new tool of MFA with application to the flow of iron & steel associated with car production,
ISIE MFA-ConAccount Meeting, 7-9 November 2010, Tokyo
S Nakamura and E. Yamasue: Hybrid LCA of a new technology for design of
disassembly based on smart materials, 18th International Input-Output Conference,
20-25 June 2010, Sydney, Australia
S Nakamura: Hybrid IO as a tool of communication
among scientists of different disciplines: Experiences of WIO with metallurgy
and material science, The 3rd International Conference on Eco-Efficiency,
9-11 June 2010, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
S Nakamura and E. Yamasue: Design for disassembly,
scrap quality, dilution, downcycling, and reuse: a hybrid LCA of active
disassembling fasteners made of hydrogen storing materials in electric
appliances, The 3rd International Conference on Eco-Efficiency, 9-11 June
2010, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands
S Nakamura: Synthesis of MFA and IOA, and Its Application to Metals and
November 2009
S Nakamura and E. Yamasue: Hybrid LCA of a Design for Disassemble technology:
Active Disassembling Fasteners of Hydrogen Storage Alloys for Home Appliances,
Institute for Systems Science, Innovation & Sustainability Research University
of Graz, 17. November 2009
S Nakamura, K Nakajima, K Matsubae, T Nagasaka, Y Kondo:
Multi-material-hybrid-input-output analysis of base metals, alloying elements,
and plastics in the Japanese economy: an application of WIO-MFA, Institute of
Social Ecology, Vienna IFF, Wien, 18. September 2009
S Nakamura, E Yamasue, and K Matsubae: Environmental Effects of the Introduction
of Active Disassembling Fasteners Made of Hydrogen Storing Materials into
Electric and Electronic Home Appliances: A Hybrid LCA of DfD based on WIO, R'09
Twin World Congress and World Resources Forum, Davos, Switzerland, 14-16,
September 2009.
S Nakamura, E Yamasue: Environmental Implications of the Implementation of
Active Disassembling Fasteners to Home Electric Appliances: a Hybrid LCA based
on WIO, Section
Ecological Systems Design, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 5. May 2009.
S Nakamura, K Nakajima, K Matsubae, T Nagasaka, Y Kondo:
Multi-material-hybrid-input-output analysis of base metals, alloying elements,
and plastics in the Japanese economy: an application of WIO-MFA, SAM3,
TU Bergakdemie Freiberg,
Germany, 29-30 April, 2009
S Nakamura, E Yamasue: A hybrid LCA of the introduction of Active Disassembling
Fasteners made of Hydrogen Storing Materials into Home Appliances,
Industrial Ecology
Programme, NTNU, Trondheim Norway, 24. April 2009
S Nakamura: Metal ecology, the anatomy of capital stock, and beyond: the
frontiers of research based on WIO-MFA, Japan - Australia Workshop on Material
Flows and Resource Productivity, CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, 26-27 February
2009, Canberra
S. Nakamura: MFA and Input-Output Analysis: A Synthesis,
The 8th International Conference on
EcoBalance, December 10-12, 2008, Tokyo
S. Nakamura: From metal ecology to the anatomy of capital stock. Waste IO as a
universal tool for Industrial Ecology, SIE Seminars,
Institut, Universität Zürich, 24.October.2008
Discussion Leader of the session "ASSURING SUSTAINABLE USE OF MATERIALS ",
Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology, Transforming The Use Of
Energy, Materials, Water And Wastes, August 17-22, 2008 Colby-Sawyer College New
London, NH
S. Nakamura, K. Nakajima, K. Yokoyama and Y. Kondo: Input-output MFA as a tool
for sustainable management of material stocks with application to capital
matrix, The 2008 International Input-Output Meeting Input - Output &
Environment, Seville, Spain July 9 - 11, 2008
S. Nakamura, K. Nakajima, and S. Murakami: Waste
Input-Output Material Flow Analysis of Metals and Plastics in the Japanese
R'07 World
Congress, 3-5 September 2007, Davos, Switzerland
Waste input-output analysis and its application to LCA, LCC and MFA,
31 September, 2007,
Stockholm Environmental Institute,
University of York, York, England
LCA and LCC of air-conditioners: an application of Waste Input-Output (WIO),
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany 30. August 2007
S. Nakamura, S. Murakami, and K. Nakajima: Hybrid (waste
IO) approach to metal ecology with application to the introduction of lead-free
International Conference on Life Cycle Management
27-29 August, 2007, Zurich, Switzerland
S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Waste Input-Output Material
Flow Analysis of Mineral Materials: a new approach to compiling a PIOT that is
consistent with mass conservation,
International Input-Output Conference, 2-6 July, Istanbul, Turkey
S Nakamura: Waste input-output approach to MFA: concepts
and application to metals and plastics,
Yale Center for Industrial Ecology, Yale
University, New Haven, USA, 22. June 2007
S Nakamura: WIO-MFA: integration of IOA and MFA, Symposium
on Industrial Ecology Applications of Input-Output Economics, 22. June, 2007,
University of Toronto, Toronto
S. Nakamura, S. Murakami, and K. Nakajima: Waste
Input-Output-MFA of quantity metals with explicit consideration of smelting
processes and by-production of precious metals,
ISIE 2007 Conference, 17-20 June, 2007, Toronto
- S. Nakamura: Evaluating eco-efficiency of appliances by
integrated use of hybrid LCA and LCC tools,
14th CIRP
International Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, 11-13 June, Waseda
University, Tokyo, Japan
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Waste Input-Output
Material Flow Analysis of Metals and Plastics,
International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics,
Leipzig, Germany, 5-8 June 2007.
- S. Nakamura: Waste input-output analysis and its
application to LCA, LCC and MFA, Institute of Natural Resource Management,
National Taipei
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 14 March 2007
- S. Nakamura: Waste Input-Output: Closing the loop of life-cycle in IOA,
Chung-Hua Institution for
Economic Research, Taipei, Taiwan, 14 March 2007
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Waste Input-Output Material
Flow Analysis of Quantity Metals with Recycling of Scraps,
1st International
Seminar on Society and Materials, 6-7 March 2007, Seville, Spain
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Waste Input-Output Material
Flow Analysis, The 7th International Conference on
EcoBalance, Nov. 14 - Nov. 16, 2006, Tsukuba, JAPAN
- S. Nakamura: MFA, material composition and
IOA: new approaches to MFA based on WIO-MFA,
Symposium on Advanced Material Flow Analysis for the Sustainable Society,
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 25-26 September 2006
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Waste Input-Output Material
Flow Analysis: a new integrated approach of IOA and MFA with application to
metals and plastics in the Japanese economy, 2006
ConAccount Meeting,
September 13-14, 2006, Vienna, Austria
- S. Nakamura: Integration of MFA and Waste Input-Output analysis,
Institute for Water Quality, Resources and Waste Management, Vienna
University of Technology, Vienna, September 12, 2006.
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Toward a Physical Waste IO
and its relationships to MFA.,
Intermediate Input-Output
Meetings 2006, July 26-28, 2006, Sendai, Japan.
- S. Nakamura: Integrated use of hybrid LCA and LCC tools to
evaluating eco-efficiency of appliance,
International Conference on Quantified Eco-Efficiency Analysis for
Sustainability, 28 - 30 June, 2006, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Waste Input-Output Material
Flow Analysis of Metals,
3rd International Conference on Materials for Advanced
Technologies, 3-8 July, 2005, Singapore
- S. Nakamura and K. Nakajima: Integrating Waste
Input-Output Analysis with MFA, ISIE 2005 Conference June 12 - 15, 2005 -
Stockholm, Sweden
- S. Nakamura and Y. Kondo: Hybrid LCC of appliances with
different energy efficiency, SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting, May 22-26, 2005,
Lille, France .
- Shinichiro Nakamura and Yasushi Kondo: A Hybrid LCC of
Electric Home Appliances based on WIO, The Sixth International Conference on
EcoBalance, Oct.25 - .27, 2004 Tsukuba, JAPAN
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Recycling and extended life of electric home appliances:
hybrid analysis based on the waste input-output model,
The 2004 IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and
Environment & The IAER Electronics Recycling Summit,
May 10-13, 2004, Scottsdale, Arizona
- S Nakamura, IOA in waste management, Plenary presentation, 2nd Workshop on Input-Output
Economics in Industrial Ecology, Prague, Czech Republic, 22 April 2004,
PDF (272Kb)
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo,
Evaluating the cost of "optimum" waste management by use
of waste input-output linear programming and price model,
SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting in Prague,
Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 April 2004.
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Waste input-output life cycle cost analysis of the
recycling of end-of-life electrical home appliances,
SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting in Prague,
(presented by Yasushi Kondo), Prague, Czech Republic, 18-22 April 2004,
- Yasushi KONDO and Shinichiro NAKAMURA,
Waste Input-Output Linear Programming Analysis of Eco-Efficiency,
International Eco-Efficiency Conference ECO-EFFICIENCY FOR
SUSTAINABILITY Quantified methods for decision making,
(presented by Yasushi Kondo, no attendance of Nakamura), April 1-3, 2004, Leiden, the Netherlands
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Decision analytic extension of Waste Input-Output Model based on Linear Programming,
2nd meeting of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, 29 June - 2 July 2003, in
Ann Arbor, Michigan. This paper was presented by Yasushi Kondo. Nakamura
did not attend the meeting.
- S Nakamura, Hybrid LCA approach to LCC, WG on Life Cycle Costing,
Europe 12th Annual Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 27 April - 1 May 2003
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Decision analytic extension of waste
input-output based on linear programming,
Europe 12th Annual Meeting Hamburg, Germany, 27 April - 1 May 2003.
S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Waste Input-Output Linear Programming Analysis of Waste Management and
Joint SETAC Europe and ISIE meeting,
2-4 December 2002, Barcelona, Spain, Conference Reports in
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Waste Input-Output Analysis of Regional Disposal,
The Fifth International Conference on EcoBalance,
Tsukuba, 2002/11/6-8
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Environmental Impact and Economic Cost of Waste Treatment: Analysis by the
Waste IO Model,
14th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques,
October 11, Montreal, Canada
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Waste input-output quantity and price model as an integrated LCA tool,
SETAC Europe 12th Annual Meeting, 12-16 May 2002, Vienna, Austria
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Waste Input-Output Analysis of Disposal, Recycling, and Extended Life of
Electric Home Appliances, EcoDesign 2001, 12-15 December 2001, Tokyo.
EcoDesign web page
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Evaluating Alternative Life-Cycle Strategies for Electrical Appliances by
Waste Input-Output Model, International Society for Industrial Ecology,
12-14 November 2001, Leiden, The Netherlands. Post conference
web page.
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Evaluating Environmental and Economic Effects of the Recycling of Electric Home
Appliances by Waste Input-Output Model, EcoDesign Japan, 13-15 December, 2000,
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Recycling of Electric Home Appliances: Its Impacts on Economy and
Environment, The Fourth International Conference on
October 31-November 2. 2000, Tsukuba.
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Inter-industry Analysis of the Demand for Landfill Capacity,
APLAS 2000, Fukuoka, September 11-13, 2000.
- S Nakamura and Y Kondo, Recycling of Electrical Home Appliances:
Its Impacts on the Economy and Environment, Joint International Congress and Exhibition,
Electronics Goes Greene 2000+,
September 11-13, 2000, Berlin, Germany
- S Nakamura, Input-Output Analysis of Waste Cycles, First International Symposium on
Environmentally Conscious Design and Inverse Manufacturing, February 1999, Tokyo
- S Nakamura, Inter-industry Analysis of Material Cycles and Waste Management,
Workshop of IGES/IHDDP-IT, 24-25 June, 1998, Kitakyusyu, Japan
- S Nakamura, A Non-homothetic Globally Concave Flexible Cost Function
and Its Application to Panel Data, The 6h Biennial Conference on Panel Data,
June 1996, Amsterdam
- S Nakamura, A Non-homothetic Globally Concave Flexible Cost Function
and Its Application to Panel Data, The 7th World Congress of the Econometric
Society, August 1995, Tokyo
- S Nakamura, An Adjustment Cost Model of Long-term Employment in Japan,
Far Eastern Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 25-27 1993, Taipei, Taiwan
- S Nakamura, Adjustment Cost Model of Long-term Employment, 1992
Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 6-8, 1992, Melbourne,
- S Nakamura, Adjustment Cost Model of Long-term Employment, Far Eastern
Meeting of the Econometric Society, June 29-30, 1991, Seoul, Korea
- S Nakamura, Adjustment Cost Model of Long-term Employment, The 6th
World Congress of the Econometric Society, August 22-28 1990, Barcelona, Spain
- S Nakamura, A Non-homothetic Generalized Leontief Cost Function Based
on Panel Data, Econometric Society European Meeting, August 1989, Munich,
- S Nakamura, A Parametric Approach to the Measurement of Multilateral
TFP Difference, Econometric Society European Meeting, August 1987, Copenhagen
- S Nakamura, Productivity and factor Prices as sources of differences in production
costs between Japan, Germany and USA, Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
of Economics and Econometrics, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, November
2−3, 1986.
- S Nakamura, Productivity and factor prices as sources of differences in production
costs between Japan, Germany and USA, Fulbright Conference on Japan-US
Economic and Trade Relationships, Oiso, Japan, September 18−20, 1986.
- S Nakamura, Sources of differences in production costs between Japan, Germany and USA,
7th International Conference on Input Output Techniques, Sapporo, Japan,
July 28−August 2, 1986.
- S Nakamura, A Flexible Dynamic Model of Multiproduct Technology for the West German
Economy, Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Economics and Econometrics,
Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, September 22−23, 1985.
- S Nakamura, A Flexible Dynamic Model of Multiproduct Technology for the West German
Economy 10. Symposium on Operations Research, University of Munich, August
26−28, 1985.
- S Nakamura, A Flexible Dynamic Model of Multiproduct Technology for the West German
Economy , Fifth World Congress of the Econometric Society, MIT, USA, August
- S Nakamura, Testing Integrability Conditions in a Dynamic Framework, International
Symposium on Measurement in Economics: Theory and Applications of Economic
Indices, University of Karlsruhe, July 14−21, 1985.
- S Nakamura, Ein flexibles dynamisches Modell der Multlprodukttechnolgie für die BRD,
DIW (German Institute of Economic Research), Berlin, March 4, 1985.
- S Mueller and S Nakamura, Das Bonner Vierteljahresmodell fur die Bundesrepublik Deutschland,
Abschlußkolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 21,Universität Bonn, December
- S Nakamura, Ein multisektorales Model zur Erklürung der Preise und der Verflechtungsstruktur
fur die BRD, Abschlußkolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 21,Universität
Bonn. December 17−18,1984.
- S Nakamura, Integrability Conditions and Dynamic Structure in Singular Demand Systems,
9. Symposium on Operations Research, Universität Osnabrük, Osnabrück,
August 27−29, 1984.
- S Nakamura, A Model of Multiproduct Technology for the West German Economy Fall
Meeting of the Project LINK, Tsukuba, Japan, September 12−16, 1983.
- S Nakamura, A Model of Multiproduct Technology for the West German Economy.8th
Symposium on Operations Research. Karlsruhe,Germany, August 22−25,1983
- S Mueller and S Nakamura, Das Bonner Vierteljahresmodell, GMD Modellforum,Gesellschaft für Mathematik
und Datenverarbeitung, Bonn,Germany, April 11−13,1983
- S Mueller and S Nakamura, The Bonn Quarterly Macroeconomic Model for the West German Economy,
XI.Conference on Macroeconometric Models, Kyoto, Japan, October 18,1982.
- S Nakamura, A Multi-Sectoral Translog Model of Production for FRG, Annual Meeting 0f
the Japanese Association of Theoretical Economics and Econometrics, Kyoto,
Japan, October 16−17,1982.
- S Mueller and S Nakamura, The Bonn Quarterly Macroeconomic Model for the West German Economy,
Fall Meeting of the Project LINK. Wiesbaden,
Germany, September 27−October 1,1982
- S Nakamura, A Multi-Sectoral Translog Model of Production for FRG, European Meeting
of the Econometric Society. Dublin, Ireland. September 5−9.1982
- S Mueller and S Nakamura, The Bonn Quarterly Macroeconomic Model for the West German Economy,
XI. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Bonn,Germany.August 23−27,1982.
- S Nakamura, A Multi-Sectoral Translog Model of Production for FRG,XI. International
Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Bonn, Germany, August 23−27.1982.
- S Nakamura, Determination of prices and Input Coefficients in a Multi-Sectoral Model
of production for Federal Republic of Germany,9th International Conference
of Applied Econometrics, Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, March
29−April 1, 1982.
- S Nakamura, A Multi-Sectoral KLEMS Model of Production with Imperfectly Substitutable
Imports for Germany, Winter Symposium of the Econometric Society, Chiasso,
Switzerland, January 4−6, 1982.
- S Nakamura, Use of the Aggregation Function to Determine Import Shares in an Input-Output
Model, Third Hungarian Conference on Input-Output Techniques, Heviz, Hungary,
November 3−5, 1981.
- S Nakamura, The Bonn Multi-Sectoral Model of Production: Structure and Simulation Results. German
Institute of Economic Research (DIW), Berlin, October 23, 1981.
- S Nakamura, Aggregation of Domestic Products and Imports in an Input-Output Model:
An Application of Duality Theorem to West German Input−Output Table, 17th
General Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.
Gouvieux, France, August 16−22,1981.
- S Nakamura, The Use of the Translog Price Aggregation Function to Determine Input-Output
Coefficients for Imports, International Symposium on Natural Resources
and production, Karlsruhe,Germany.June 23-July 4, 1980.
- S Nakamura, The Short-Run Structure Of Labor Demand and Commodity Supply in a Putty-Clay
Type Input-Output Model, Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of
Theoretical Economics and Econometrics, Tokyo, September, 1979.